Train the Trainer efforts in Nayarit and Jalisco move to a new level!
Over the past couple of years Firefighters Crossing Borders has been working to develop a group of local Instructors in the Bahia de Banderas and Puerto Vallarta area of Region 2. Part of an effort to help develop local training capabilities and adoption of NFPA training standards.
Seven senior members of Bahia de Banderas and Puerto Vallart fire departments have now completed their fire instructor II training.
With our support, they have created an Association Regional Bomberos of Jalisco-Nayarit. This new association will work on the development of training materials and skills for the region. New members from the fire service in Nayarit and Jalisco will be invited to join.
FFCB is currently assisting them plan their first annual Regional training symposium for early May 2014. Firefighters Crossing Borders will support this event with a number of US instructors and Marina Puerto Vallarta Rotary will also support the event.
Firefighters from Jalisco and Nayarit will be invited to attend and FFCB instructors will be working alongside the Association's instructors.