We have been in contact with our friends in Tecate, Baja and they inform us that they were requested to assist with the fire on the US side near Potrero, Ca. They sent three units with the Fire chief Marcos Garambullo, and 9 other...
California Fire Chiefs Association
On October 21, 2006 Fire Chief James R. Monty of the Lathrop-Manteca fire department handed over a recently retired 1980 Van Pelt engine to the Tecate, BC Mexico Fire Department. Brought together through an organization of firefighters and emergency...
District Sends Old Fire Truck to Mexico
Originally Posted by: Bob Brownne, Reporter for The Sun Post Newspaper
LATHROP - Lathrop Manteca Fire District’s oldest engine is headed to Mexico to start a new life.
On Thursday, Oct. 19, the district’s board of directors was...
Mission Needs
Hello everyone, we have several trips in the works and we are in need of help with instructors. Listed are the trips in the works and each one has its own logistical issues. Transportation for most trips are at the expense of the individual and once...
Training Projects in the Works
Currently we are planning a training trip to Culiacan. Last year we delivered a ladder truck and want to return to continue the training and get them to the next level. We hear they have used it several times and are in need of additional training...
Donation from East Jefferson County Fire Dept.
Thanks to Lt Minker and the crew at East Jefferson County fire department. We recently traveled up to Port Townsend to retrieve a donation of turnout gear, boots, helmets and suspenders. Our third trip to Jefferson county we with to thank the...
Project Updates
Settling back into the routine our Travelers have been relating the fun stories of our most recent trip to Tecate, Ensenada and San Felipe. Lots of discussion about planning for our next incursion.
Our Board recently met and came away with...